But this jerk, who was all for getting rid of PBS, by the way, had the nerve to tell me that I, as a librarian, and the library, were obsolete. Why? Because he could "download every book ever written." And so he no longer needed the library.
Huh. Could've fooled me.
First of all, while I work in a library, I am not only a librarian. I am a Media Specialist. Why that name? Because books are only part of my job. I create websites, work with databases, and audio books, and audiovisual material, and a host of other things. I do NOT sit behind a desk and read all day. If you could see the things I've had to do for Graduate School, you would never look at a "Librarian" the same way again. I've made podcasts, and videos, and any number of other things completely unrelated to books.
Yes, I do buy books. And catalog them, and put them into the library. But I take a great deal of care to select books my library needs, and that are beneficial to students and staff. It's called collection development. And it can't be done by any old bozo. But let's leave all that alone and focus on this bonehead's statement. While downloading books is great (I do it myself), his statement assumes that a) he has a device on which to download and read the books and b) he is either paying for the books, getting them from a pirate site, OR downloading them from...THE LIBRARY. So if he's paying, and he has a device, he is then speaking from a place of privilege. And, as we all know, not everyone can afford either a device OR to pay for books.
Hence, the need for the library. But beyond books, whether you get them in dead-tree or eformat from the library, it is a place where INFORMATION can be had FOR ALL, FOR FREE. And since we now live in the INFORMATION age, that's pretty darn cool, huh. If you think Google will find you everything you want to know, well, maybe. But only if you know how to use it properly. I've done comparisons on search engines as part of my coursework. Not to mention that in times of economic downturn, the library is now MORE frequently used.
Because you can take courses, FOR FREE. On how to write a resume, conduct a job search, take an interview.
You can use computers, FOR FREE. To write and check email, to write and print that resume, to search for a job when you can't afford a computer. Or, if you have one but can't afford internet service... guess what? Most libraries are also a FREE wireless hotspot.
I am not just a librarian, and libraries aren't just for books. They are for children's story hour, and teen book discussion groups and Pokemon clubs and Movie Nights. They are for MEDIA of all forms, and the place where everyone is equally entitled to find information.
So many people of a certain political persuasion are all about what they think the Founding Fathers wanted for our country.
Ben Franklin founded the first public library. Because he believed in access to information for EVERYONE, not just those of privilege.
Yay, Ben Franklin, and yay for libraries! You tell, 'em!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes. Libraries have helped me find books from other states to use in researching for my stories. And the children love story time and guest speakers and other things they can't get online. Libraries are necessary. The world will be a sadder place without them. Great post.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Why BUY a book to research something for a story if I can get it from the library? The free library of Philadelphia's website archive was a HUGE help when I was writing my first steampunk novel. I never would have known half of that stuff without it. Wikipedia is NICE, but not always accurate.
ReplyDeleteLibraries rock.
Not to mention all those subscription databases that libraries pay for access to, with information not accessible through Google or anywhere else on the web. New York Times back to 1851, scholarly articles, scientific articles - and then there are all those wonderful reference books that are only available in book so far.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree, although I don't frequent my library that often we all still need libraries and librarians. I was just at the Georgia COMO (combined librarian event) as an exhibitor and I'm trying to get my books in the schools and the contacts I made there were probably the best I've made in my 5 years as a published author. I hope this guy online realizes that if it weren't for libraries he wouldn't have the ability to even download any book available save the reference books and those books that will not be converted to ebooks. I hope he walked away with his tail between his legs and admitted his error.
ReplyDeleteGreat posting - E :)
Elysabeth Eldering
Author of FINALLY HOME, a middle grade/YA mystery
I'm totally for libraries and will pay extra if that means we get to keep them. Why? I wrote one of my DearTeenMe letters on this: http://dearteenme.com/?p=3142