Sometimes certain words keep popping up in your manuscript
and you wish there were other forms of the word you could substitute. Or maybe
you’re looking for a more specific term for the basic word you have in mind.
Well, if the word you’re using is ANGER or ANGRY, here are 103 useful alternatives:
1. Acrid:
extremely harsh (or an unpleasant taste or smell)
2. Acrimonious:
harshly unpleasant
3. Aggravated:
angrily agitated
4. Angered:
made angry
5. Annoyed:
angry about being disturbed
6. Antagonistic:
angrily opposed
7. Antipathetic:
expressing aggression or aversion
8. Apoplectic:
violently angry, from the word apoplexy, meaning having a stroke
9. Ballistic:
explosively angry, from the word meaning projectile flight
10. Bellicose:
aggressively angry, from the synonym for warlike
11. Belligerent:
see bellicose
12. Bent out of
shape: as in stooped over while screaming
13. Beside
oneself: seeming out of character
14. Bitter:
15. Blue in the
face: see frustrated, from the idea of facial discoloration caused by extreme
16. Boiling:
extremely angry, meaning being agitated like heated water
17. Bristling:
defensively angry, like an animal’s hair bristling as it responds to a threat
18. Burning:
extremely angry, from the body overheating due to intense feeling
19. Caustic:
cruelly angry, or sarcastic
20. Chagrin:
distress caused by humiliation or failure
21. Cheesed off:
see frustrated (also “bored” or “disgusted”)
22. Choleric:
easily angered
23. Churlish:
disrespectfully angry
24. Cold:
emotionally remote anger
25. Contrary:
uncooperatively angry
26. Cool: angry
but emotions are held in check
27. Cross
28. Disgruntlement:
ill-humored or discontented
29. Discontent
30. Displeasure
31. Embittered:
made upset
32. Enraged:
violently angry
33. Exasperated:
see frustrated
34. Fired up: see
35. Fit to be
tied: extremely angry, suggesting that the angry person should be restrained
36. Flare up: so
angry you might turn into fire
37. Fly off the
handle: refers to loose ax head flying off the handle when swung
38. Foaming: so
angry as to suggest insanity caused by hydrophobia (rabies), as in foaming at
the mouth is symptomatic of the disease
39. Frustrated:
upset due to obstacles or challenges
40. Fuming:
extremely angry, from the association of a volcano or other heated natural
41. Fury:
destructive rage; refers to mythic Furies (avenging Greek deities who torment
criminals and inflict plagues)
42. Furious:
intensely angry
43. Galled: fret
or wear by friction; become sore from rubbing
44. Go berserk:
ancient Scandinavian warrior frenzied in battle and held to be invulnerable
45. Going crook:
losing one’s temper
46. Hopping:
jumping up and down to express anger
47. Hopping mad:
see hopping
48. Horn-mad: extremely
49. Hostile:
actively intimidating, unfriendly, or resistant
50. Hot: physical
discomfort caused by anger
51. Hot under the
collar: see hot
52. Icy: see cold
53. Impassioned
54. In a lather:
referring to ‘lathering at the mouth’ from Rabies
55. In high
dudgeon: state of indignation
56. Incensed: see
57. Indignant:
angry because of a real or perceived slight or unjust attack
58. Inflamed: see
59. Infuriated:
see furious
60. Incense: set
on fire
61. Irascibility:
easily provoked anger
62. Irate: see
63. Ireful: see
64. Irk: irritate
65. Livid:
intensely angry to the point of being unable to control oneself (livid,
however, can also mean “bruised,” “pale,” or “colorful,” with the second sense
associated with pain, shock, or fear)
66. Mad: insane
or crazy; also used to mean angry as in unable to think clearly due to madness
67. Malcontent:
68. Outraged:
angry about an offense
69. Passionate:
easily angered
70. Peeve:
71. Perturbed:
upset (or confused)
72. Pissed off:
73. Piqued:
aroused through provocation
74. Provoke:
arouse to feeling or action
75. Rabid: see
76. Raging: see
77. Rancorous:
malevolently angry
78. Rankled:
79. Ranting:
irrationally angry
80. Raving: see
81. Riled: upset;
quickened heartbeat
82. Roiled: see
83. Ruffled
feathers: as in a bird’s raised feathers to intimidate
84. Seeing red:
so angry that one’s vision is blurred by excess blood flow in the eyes
85. Seething:
repressing violent anger
86. Shirty:
British for irritated
87. Smoldering:
see seething
88. Sore: see
89. Soreheaded:
see indignant
90. Steamed: see
91. Steaming: see
92. Storming:
anger suggestive of stormy weather
93. Stormy: see
94. Teed off:
95. Tetchiness:
(tetchy) another form of touchy or irritable
96. Testiness:
easily annoyed
97. Ticked:
angry; also “ticked off”
98. Vexation:
99. Vitriolic:
see caustic
100. Worked up:
101. Wrathful: see
102. Wroth: see
103. Wrought up:
see “worked up”
Harpies, Book Two, Seraphym Wars Series (out soon)
Transported to a planet he'd never heard of was
the least of fifteen-year-old Griffen's problems. Learning to control his
suddenly increasing strength and new ability to pull lightning from the sky
takes some getting used to. Angry preteen Seth joins the quest; meanwhile
discovering his combusting ability as a fire-starter. Driven to find the last
Vigorio, a young girl able to experience others' emotions, they journey
together toward their destinies as warriors against Narciss, Ruler of Tartarus
and his Legio of demon-dragons. But Belial, a power-hungry demon determined to
win Narciss’s approval makes their trip miserable while Narciss’s Harpy
henchmen take matters into their own hands.