Monday, September 19, 2011

New book, new cover

Some people get excited about new fall fashions. Writers get excited about new book covers.

Check out the stunning new cover for my upcoming new release PFC Liberty Stryker


Natalie Collins
, my editor/publisher at Sisterhood Publications really outdid herself with this one.

For me it’s crunch time. I’m working feverishly on the final edits for PFC Liberty Stryker. We want to make the Kindle edition available before the holidays. I hear you, Christine Norris. There are not enough hours in the day. I need to clone myself.

Here's the blurb:
Liberty Stryker joined the army to avenge her dad’s death on 9-11 but it’s nothing like she expected. Operation Iraqi Freedom takes her on a harrowing journey north with a mysterious Arab through bomb devastation, hot zones, and RPG attacks. A different kind of horror awaits Libby in Baghdad. Her past and present, and why it’s all gone wrong, blow up in her face. Prepare for an alternate reality. PFC Liberty Stryker is unlike anything you’ve every experienced.
Curious? Read this advance review by blogger, Calista Cates-Stanturf:
"War is not what it seems” and PFC Liberty Stryker is beginning to take it personally.Suspend all rational thought of what should be and what you knew – “war is not what it seems”. Just ask PFC Liberty Stryker. Her father perished on 911 in the smoking rubble of the Pentagon. Now enlisted in the US Army to fight the War on Terrorism, PFC Liberty Stryker's world is turned upside down. As a POW smack dab in the midst of war torn Iraq, Libby witnesses the annihilation of the Iraqi people and American soldiers caught between war machines. It all ends in a series of twists and turns you and Libby never saw coming.

Author Peggy Tibbetts takes you on one young soldier’s journey from her homeland to a war torn country trying to survive the terror that once was and the unknown horrors that have become the fabric of daily life. A nation where she discovers all she has known until now is based on the half truths and lies of smoke and mirrors. PFC Liberty Stryker is a story of intrigue expertly woven to pull you in from the opening words and doesn’t let you go until you read the words, “The End.”

So compelling I read it twice and still couldn’t put it down.
Coming soon: PFC Liberty Stryker by Peggy Tibbetts

Peggy Tibbetts

Letters to Juniper now available in ebook & paperback @ Amazon

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Peggy. The cover doesn't show up for me so I'll take a look at Amazon. Anyhow, sounds like a great story. Best of luck to you.
