Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Me, An Author?

Hello, Everyone,

I'm in the middle of my Virtual Book Tour for my latest young adult historical novel and having a blast. Who would have thought it? If anyone had told me I'd be a writer one day, I'd have thought they were crazy. When I was younger, I didn't even like to read. Even though my eighth-grade teacher sent my poem "Stars" to a high anthology and it was published in Young America Sings,  I hated to write.

In spite of my rocky relationship with books, I graduated from high school and even gasp attended the university. Guess what I became? Yes, of all things, a teacher. Kids grow up and change. Even I did. An even greater miracle occurred. Reading great stories to my students and to my sons made me realize what I'd been missing. Reading was fun.

Now I read everything I can get my hands on. I also write. And I love every minute I'm lost in another world, time, and place. For the first time in ... um ... many years, I'm revealing the poem that started my writing career, although I had no idea it would when I wrote it, way back in junior high.

By Beverly Jean Stowe
Zundelowitz Jr. High

I often lie awake at night,
Watching stars that are so bright.
They sparkle and twinkle in the cool night air,
And look like ladies with lovely golden hair.
You see the little dipper and the big dipper too,
Away up in the deep dark blue.
But then come the morning rays of light
And all the stars are gone until tonight.

I'm enjoying reading and writing, and have been fortunate in having five books for children and teens published, with more under contract. I love this group and hearing about everyone else's work. And readers, leave your comments. Tell us about your reading or writing, hopes or dreams.


  1. Isn't it funny where our paths lead us? I also never thought in a bazillion years I'd end up being a teacher but that's what I decided to do. My favorite subject to teach? Writer's workshop! My students loved writing and 'publishing' their books too.

    Love your poem. I used to write poetry too in both junior and high school. I don't have any of them around though now.

    Fun post!

  2. That's a great poem, Beverly! It's a good thing you didn't make any career decisions at age 10. Think of what you would have missed out on!

  3. I avoided going into teaching like the plague for years. I fought against it, and it was dumb, because I LOVE it.

  4. We never know, do we, Kim? I loved my teaching years. Our fifth-graders made poetry books every year and the librarian put them in the library for a while so other students could see them. It was fun.

    Thanks, Christine M. When I was 10 I hadn't a clue about life. :)

    Life is strange, Christine N. I wonder how many people in the world end up doing things they swore they'd never do. Should be interesting to research.
